Quadruped Robot
This is my personal project, I wanted build a quadruped robot that is similar to the one we see from the Boston Dynamics. I used my own budget and bought the necessary plans once I designeed the robot in the Solidworks CAD software. I used 3d printing and laser cutting to create the parts I have designed in the software. Then I made the necessary power connections and assembled all the parts. Robot was able to stand still on its own weight, but it could not move since the motors I have ordered were weaker than I expected. I tried to create a lift system that holds the robot and reduces the weight on the motors. However, it was not practical for use. I was not able continue with this project due to my studies. I am hoping to finish it in the future, but it was still a good experience since I was able to improve my skills such in prototyping, electronics, 3d printing, laser cutting etc.